Wednesday, August 13, 2008

World of Warcraft and a helpful hand from Hoji

This game...has pretty much taken over my life at this point, and not in a bad way either, I freaking love it. Even my Xbox360 Elite is unplugged...srsly, parents said to take it out of the living room, I did, and I never plugged it back in but I promise I will eventually.

Even with my gaming habit, I've started eating better, so that's a start at getting to a healthier lifestyle, I'd like if possible to be able to still play WoW a lot seeing as I get a great sense of satisfaction and a lot of joy out of running around killing things and other players and such. I think I will be toning down my gameplay all around and I've already started in my opinion (Xbox is unplugged need I say more?). Anyways, going to start walking laps at the school with my mother and her friends who work there, they're a good bunch. Hell I might even start counting points on the weight watcher scale, though I think that would just depress me seeing as I'll still eat out occasionally even though I try to make better choices when doing so now, smaller portions, less fattening items, etc.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Another Day at Work

Head hurts, copier is going nonstop for printing out our copies of todays shipments, sitting in my chair writing this and all I want to do is hide back in my corner and fall asleep...

If anyone comes to wake me up, I'm giving them rabies, I've already started to foam at the mouth, see?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Working, Slowly and at a distance.

Work has been sporadic lately, some days extremely busy, other days I flat out read books, no joke...

Anyways, when not at work I've been spending a lot of time on my online games (PC, sorry Hoji!) and have been taking things very slowly with a certain friend of mine, she and I are at that "Hey...what's up?" point in our life. You know what I mean...where you're sitting around, looking around doing what you feel is just about nothing besides working, eating, sleeping, etc.

I guess I'm stuck in a pretty awful routine because I've become something of a recluse, only talking with a few select people, even at work I haven't been talking or emailing much, keeping to myself (or at least my department of 3 people including myself) unless it explicitly involves work.

Maybe I just fail at life :P
I'm not unhappy though I may be depressed.
Maybe I'm just bored and possibly a bit lonely but I'm not sure.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yay! I think I'm gonna be sick! *blargh*

From the Vault of GIR!

"I'm gonna sing the doom song now!"
"You gon' make biscuits! Yooou gon' make BISCUITS!? yoou goonnnna make biscuits.....!? "
"I miss you, cupcake"
"Why? I lov-ed you, piggy! I lov-ed you!"
"I love the little tacos. I love them good."
"I saw a squirrel. He was goin' like this."
"And then the squirrel ate Dib's greasy head."
"Yes, wait a minute, no."
"I must have them or I will explode. That happens to me sometimes."
"Let's make biscuits!"
"It's just a baby. HI, BABY!"
"I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose dog?"
"Yay! We're doomed!"
"Yay! I'm gonna be sick!"
"I'm running! I'm running!"
"I gotta go pig. I'll see you later."
"I'm gonna roll around on the floor for a bit, 'k?"
"Okey dokey"
"I am not a squirrel."
"I do."
"Where did the last piggy go?"

Doom doom doom...the end!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A Week Off

As you may know, I run this Blog while at work and pretty much only at work to pass the time when I'm not busy running around fighting the fires of corporate IT. (No, we don't do prevention, we'd have to hire more people for that.) Anyways, supposed to be my week off, but apparently someone's child is let's put it nicely and say...creating a new form of astroturf on mommy's shoes so here I am heh. Honestly, I don't mind coming in at all, especially not when someone's child is sick I mean sheesh, got to deal with that first of course. What I do mind however, is that someone can't manage to type their password in correctly and I reset it to our "default" and then they can't seem to change their password from the what they want.

All in all, I gave him a big ol'"Pandaeye08" as his password for now seeing as he just can't seem to understand...well...anything, especially why I have to scrounge up a working computer (which we had only one, a laptop which was to be used for guests ONLY) whenever his department has 3 laptops just sitting around not being used.

Engineers of the world, you guys must really SUCK.

And to quote Clerks, which I must do of course, "I'm not even supposed to be here today!"

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Seen it all before...

Now I'm sure you've probably all seen this before, but...I wanted to have them on my blog anyways so deal with it! Some of my favorite youtube videos!

FOUR WHEELS OF FURY! (toyota commercial)

Maybe Mr. T Hacked the game! (WoW commercial)

Carameldanssen...seriously don't ask me why I just think it's cute.

Evil Car...don't watch unless you have a strong stomach, I throw this one in for it's disturbomatic rating, no I don't enjoy it, I just scream "OH MY GOD!"

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Rabies, Anyone? (EDIT: Breakups, FTW!?)

First off, the title is just random, just like my password reset of a friend of mine here at the plant to "Poodle9000" which she got a kick out of.

Just making the rounds, saying hey. Honestly though, I need some advice on something... Ex-girlfriend, is, and will remain ex-girlfriend so this post is going to be about another girl.

A friend of mine I rarely see or talk to has over the past...3 years, mentioned that I'm NOT her boyfriend...and not in that "Ew that would never happen." way, but more with disappointment, and I've always felt bad that I couldn't at least let her down more easily (well I was in a relationship albeit on again off again, give me a break >_<).

Anyways, now that I'm single she's sent me a few messages, haven't talked on the phone yet but our conversation went kind of like this...

She: Hey, long time no see, still in (City)?

Me: Yep, still working at (Workplace) too, trying to get salary still.

She: Well, did you hear, I'm single again.

Me: Oh? What happened? Every time we talk you're always breaking up with somebody heh (Yes, I know, I have no tact whatsoever)

She: Well he (goes on to explain, not going to broadcast the dirty laundry online of course), maybe I should try and be with someone I wouldn't normally get with.

Me: What do you mean?

She: (Honestly, I can't remember wording, but it was something to the effect of "Well, I've never been with you." Not a certain type...but flat out pointing me out.)

Now! For the advice part, the world does this mean, other than perhaps that she wants to try dating me. Isn't there more to this than that? We've always been "ok" but never extremely close really, we've snuggled but mostly as friends besides (and yes I'll admit it) a bit of a fondle... or two.

I'm just confused right now, she's a good person and all but, there are some things about her I just don't like. Where as I have (and yes I'll admit to this too, proud of it even) remained a virgin, I don't know what in the world she's been up to with her numerous boyfriends, she always seems to be with someone new each time we talk, who she is usually in the process of, or has just broken up with... Another thing, I don't drink much whatsoever, and I don't smoke or do drugs though she has done some drugs, marijuana and such, drinks (as far as I know), and smokes.

Flat out, I don't want to have to deal with drug problems, or the smell of cigarette stench on my clothes, and I'm fearful that she might be "damaged goods" though she has always seemed to generally care for me. If we did date, and it got serious and then fell through, I wouldn't want to regret what might have happened in that time.

What do I do!? Usually I pride myself on being able to give good advice on relationships but I have no clue what to do with this one.

P.S. I need to clarify something for possibly Hoji if he reads this. Me being a virgin and not drinking/smoking/doing drugs is not about being a good christian, I'm agnostic, it's just about trying to be a good person and keeping clear of addiction. Don't give me kudos/props in this situation based on what should be a normal thing.