Wednesday, August 13, 2008

World of Warcraft and a helpful hand from Hoji

This game...has pretty much taken over my life at this point, and not in a bad way either, I freaking love it. Even my Xbox360 Elite is unplugged...srsly, parents said to take it out of the living room, I did, and I never plugged it back in but I promise I will eventually.

Even with my gaming habit, I've started eating better, so that's a start at getting to a healthier lifestyle, I'd like if possible to be able to still play WoW a lot seeing as I get a great sense of satisfaction and a lot of joy out of running around killing things and other players and such. I think I will be toning down my gameplay all around and I've already started in my opinion (Xbox is unplugged need I say more?). Anyways, going to start walking laps at the school with my mother and her friends who work there, they're a good bunch. Hell I might even start counting points on the weight watcher scale, though I think that would just depress me seeing as I'll still eat out occasionally even though I try to make better choices when doing so now, smaller portions, less fattening items, etc.

1 comment:

Game-Zone Recreation said...

I saw that you like Call of Duty 4 so I thought you might be interested in a Free Xbox 360 Video Game Contest that my organization is throwing. By the way, is there any games you're looking forward to that are about to come out?