Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Working, Slowly and at a distance.

Work has been sporadic lately, some days extremely busy, other days I flat out read books, no joke...

Anyways, when not at work I've been spending a lot of time on my online games (PC, sorry Hoji!) and have been taking things very slowly with a certain friend of mine, she and I are at that "Hey...what's up?" point in our life. You know what I mean...where you're sitting around, looking around doing what you feel is just about nothing besides working, eating, sleeping, etc.

I guess I'm stuck in a pretty awful routine because I've become something of a recluse, only talking with a few select people, even at work I haven't been talking or emailing much, keeping to myself (or at least my department of 3 people including myself) unless it explicitly involves work.

Maybe I just fail at life :P
I'm not unhappy though I may be depressed.
Maybe I'm just bored and possibly a bit lonely but I'm not sure.


Anonymous said...

Well, it is good that you have time to play games when you work.

Ashitaka said...

Yeah if I could play any, most of the web is blocked, they say 90% of it is porn, well, 98% of it is blocked, even so if I did want to play a game it would have to be on some obscure website. Even so, they did screw up for the longest time and leave Youtube unblocked for about a month, I told them about that though, it's too much of a time waster all around to be left open like that.